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Privacy policy: Hunter Gallaway Tennis Academy does not share your personal information with any outside entities. We use your personal email address solely to communicate information related to the business of the Hunter Gallaway Tennis Academy.

Refunds / Cancellations: Hunter Gallaway Tennis Academy does not issue refunds. In the event of cancellation, sessions will be rescheduled and make up classes will be offered at the discretion of Hunter Gallaway Tennis Academy.  Once your transaction is processed your entry will be complete and non-refundable.

Delivery: Your purchase will be delivered via email receipt upon completion of the payment transaction. Requests for duplicate receipts are available by logging in to this web sit and reviewing your account (Activity | Payments) or may be made in writing to Hunter Gallaway Tennis Academy at the Lafayette Tennis Club, 3125 Camino Diablo, Lafayette, CA 94549 via email request by clicking here